Adobe shockwave player 12.2 64 bit

Бесплатно. Размер: 6 Мб. Более 30 000 скачиваний. Windows, Mac OS. Adobe Shockwave Player — это программа для мультимедиа, позволяющая созерцать современную графику, пользоваться Flash-играми и интерактивным содержимым сайтов.

Adobe Shockwave Player (formerly Macromedia Shockwave Player) is a browser plug-in that provides advanced multimedia capabilities. Adobe Shockwave Player is the web standard for powerful multimedia playback and has been installed on over 450 million Internet-enabled desktops. Adobe components: Flash Player + AIR…

Download Shockwave Player for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ Free Download (32- bit/64-bit) Software Version.The program displays Web content that has been created using Adobe Director. This version enables Shockwave support in both Internet Explorer and...

Adobe Shockwave Player - Download - Opis Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Shockwave Player jest rozszerzeniem przeznaczonym dla przeglądarek, dodającym obsługę wyświetlania stron wykorzystujących technologię Adobe. Wtyczka jest kompatybilna z popularnymi przeglądarkami Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari oraz innymi. Adobe Shockwave Player - Wikipedia Adobe Shockwave Player was a freeware software plug-in for viewing multimedia and video ... Shockwave 12.1: It is supported by 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, ... Shockwave 12.2: Last update for macOS before discontinuation. Install Shockwave Player on 64-bit Windows systems - Adobe ... 19 Mar 2012 ... Shockwave Player does not run in most 64-bit browsers in Windows. If you attempt to download the Shockwave Player in a 64-bit browser on ... End of Life (EOL) for Adobe Shockwave - Adobe Help Center

Unlike Adobe Flash, Shockwave Player displays destination web content such as interactive multimedia product demos and training, e-merchandising applications, and rich-media multi-user games. This version enables Shockwave support in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Adobe Shockwave Player (64-bit) - Software Informer. Adobe Shockwave Player (64-bit). You can now add several exciting effects, such as Convolution filter, Adjust Color filter, Depth of Field, Bloom Effect, Night Vision, etc., to visually enhance movies. Make your Director movies a visual treat by taking advantage of the exciting new textures, such as... Adobe Shockwave Player скачать бесплатно на… Плагин Adobe Shockwave Player (Адобе Шоквейв Плеер) - является бесплатной программой для просмотра мультимедиа, выполнения многофункциональных интернет-приложений, воспроизведения потокового... Adobe Shockwave Player | Бесплатные программы для…

Adobe Shockwave Player is an extension for web browsers giving users the access to some Web content such as dazzling 3D games and enables to post Shockwave animations on the Internet. Key Features Parallax mapping: integrated with Adobe Shockwave Player , Parallax mapping is an enhancement of Normal/Bump Mapping technique.

Adobe Shockwave Player скачать бесплатно на… Скачать Adobe Shockwave Player бесплатно без регистрации. Adobe Shockwave Player представляет собой программу для запуска shockwave содержимого.Версия x86/x64. Последняя версия Adobe Shockwave Player Бесплатно. Размер: 23 Мб. Windows. Категория: Браузеры. Adobe Shockwave Player - плагин, встраиваемый в браузеры для поддержки "мощного" мультимедийного контента в формате Shockwave. Позволяет взаимодействовать с веб-страницами, на которых интерактивное... Adobe Shockwave Player Download - TechSpot

Adobe Shockwave Player - Wikipedia Adobe Shockwave Player was a freeware software plug-in for viewing multimedia and video ... Shockwave 12.1: It is supported by 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, ... Shockwave 12.2: Last update for macOS before discontinuation. Install Shockwave Player on 64-bit Windows systems - Adobe ... 19 Mar 2012 ... Shockwave Player does not run in most 64-bit browsers in Windows. If you attempt to download the Shockwave Player in a 64-bit browser on ... End of Life (EOL) for Adobe Shockwave - Adobe Help Center

Système d'exploitation Windows 2000 / 2003 32-bit / 2003 64-bit / 2008 32-bit / 2008 64-bit / 7 32 bit / 7 64 bit / 9x / NT 4.0 / Vista 32-bit / Vista 64-bit / XP 32 ... Télécharger Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Shockwave Player, édité par Adobe, est un standard en ce qui concerne les jeux multimédia numériques. Il vous permet en effet de regarder des contenus interactifs sur le Web tels que des jeux, des présentations professionnelles, publicitaires et de divertissement à partir de votre navigateur. Adobe Shockwave Player Download | Descargar ... Adobe Shockwave Player é uma extensão para o seu navegador web, que permite mostrar com confiança as páginas Web criadas, utilizando a tecnologia Shockwave. Shockwave Player Descargar (2019 Última versión) para Windows ...

Download Shockwave Player -

Adobe Shockwave Player - Download - COMPUTER… Adobe Shockwave Player kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! Weitere virengeprüfte Software aus der Kategorie Browser finden Sie beiBitte beachten Sie, dass Sie „Shockwave“-Inhalte im Web auf 64-Bit-Systemen nicht mit einem 64-Bit-Browser aufrufen können. Adobe Shockwave Player for IE / Other Free… The Adobe Shockwave Player plugin is a file playback software developed by the Adobe Director software, just like the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for playing back files created by Adobe Flash Pro software. Adobe’s Flash and Director software are very similar both to the design and development of... Adobe Shockwave Player